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I am Presence, Column of Awareness & Divine Grace Transmission

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This video consists of powerful step-by-step guidance and transmission by Lyonne. Beginning at I am Presence, Column of Awareness and into Divine Love and Grace Transmission.

Consciousness is all-pervading and is omnipresent, alive in every particle of nature, including the unmanifest. Lyonne transfers the Consciousness energy towards the lower density of the person, activates a higher level of Consciousness, dissolves the veils of separation, and helps clear any obstacles in the way. This awakening, activation, and clearing are easily possible through Consciousness Transmission.
The Level of Consciousness Presence is considered spiritual adulthood. This is the first sense of true peace and contentment. One can start to taste their true nature from the state of Presence. It is also the beginning of the time when deeper subconscious patterns can be healed. Before Presence, there is emotional healing, but in Presence, the deeper aspects of the conditionings of being can surface. From here, one can start the journey of untangling oneself from the world and its illusions.
Level of Consciousness Awareness is the realization of Awareness as your own Self. There is a considerable degree of lightness compared to Non-Dual space. Being Awareness becomes the fundamental identity. The seeker’s consciousness is felt as a pure and all-pervading aware presence. A sense of larger openness arises as Awareness is beyond any space and nothingness too.

Level of Consciousness Divine Love is the 2nd step of Enlightenment when one goes beyond the deepest unconsciousness, which is also the great universal womb and comes “out of the universe” into the Divine, where Pure Consciousness can be experienced more directly. The Unconsciousness or the Great Void is like the night, and the Divine Self is like the Eternal Light of the Sun that never sleeps. Through Grace, a person comes to the 2nd step of Enlightenment, as no person on their own can transcend the Universe itself. Grace is usually received from the present Enlightened Beings, as well as from devotion to the past Enlightened Beings and Deities.

Format: Video
Duration: 1:04:14

I am Presence, Column of Awareness & Divine Grace Transmission
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