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Higher Self

Level 2. Higher Self

The second initiation of Higher Self is experienced as a connection to one’s inner spiritual wisdom and spirit, also known as Higher Consciousness. At this stage there is an internal space or awareness where one can observe their own thoughts, body and emotions in a neutral and more objective way, from above, so-to-speak. This space creates an opening for the Higher Self to be Present. It can be felt as a higher intuitive sense, higher power, or even an internal voice that guides one through life in a more intuitive and gentle way, often overriding the linear mind and limited sensory consciousness. The feeling of “I am not this body, these thoughts, emotions, I am the Spirit itself” arises with this initiation. Connecting to the Higher Self also begins the activation of the Light Body (Merkaba) and a gradual process of centering into the Spiritual Heart and Inner Love.

  • Awakening of Inner Wisdom through inner spiritual  understanding   

  • Neutral Observation from behind or above of one’s own body, emotions and thoughts creates a space

  • Higher Self is you who is in a higher dimension: 4D Higher, 5D and above   

  • It is generally called your Spirit or Higher Consciousness or the Higher Spiritual Mind  

  • Being above linear mind and limited sensory consciousness

  • DNA repair starts with the connection to the Higher Consciousness

  • Multi-dimensional experiences are common

  • Possibility of awakening of spiritual psychic abilities

  • Higher Self remembers your past lives, knows all about this current lifetime and has the key to future events

  • Recognition of “I am not this body, these thoughts, emotions, I am the Spirit itself”

  • The mind begins to soften and open a lot more

  • Activation of the Light Body (Merhabah) happens between           Inner Wisdom and Inner Love

  • Working towards opening the Level of Inner Love and Spiritual Heart

Level of Consciousness 440 Inner Wisdom
The Shift is Happening NOW

The Shift is Happening NOW

Weekly LIVE Events and Meditations: Things on Earth are changing rapidly, and many people feel confused. You might be feeling that you are losing the sense of yourself, or losing your identity. It also might be that you are experiencing a lot of emotions and energetic sensations because of the higher energies and vibrations that are coming into our planet right now. In this video, Lyonne addresses this topic and shows us how we can retrain ourselves step by step, learn a higher way and live more peacefully and joyfully. Ignite love inside you right now, so that you can start vibrating love itself! ________________________________________________________________ Lyonne Sundari is a way-shower and guide who teaches from a Non-Dual perspective and intuitively uncovers peoples’ potential to become empowered and awakened to the inherent truth within. She has worked with people from all walks of life as a teacher, healer, and mentor. Lyonnes’ transmissions have a special quality of Loving Presence, which is both powerful and radiant, melting and merging with your heart. Lyonne teaches a powerful way to unconditionally remain in your deepest being so that you can gradually dissolve your sense of separation. ________________________________________________________________ ✨More at ▶︎ Instagram: @lyonne_sundari ▶︎ Facebook: ▶︎ Podcast: ▶︎ Shop: ▶︎ New Humanity Civilization: ▶︎ Galactic Academy: #LovingAwareness #DivineFeminine #LyonneSundari ©2021 New Humanity Foundation All Rights Reserved
Higher Self | Explanation

Higher Self | Explanation

Weekly LIVE Satsang & Meditation: 🌟 We delve into the concept of our higher self and its connection to our inner wisdom. As we make peace with our past and accept our experiences, we gain the ability to see beyond the surface and uncover the true lessons they hold. By learning from these challenging moments, we prevent their repetition and allow our souls to grow wiser. Join us as we explore the profound wisdom that emerges from within, and reflect on the events in your life that have shaped your journey. Divine Marga, founded by Sat Mindo Dev and Lyonne Premananda, is an international organization focusing on God-Realization, Soul Liberation (Moksha), and Divine Living. Many spiritual paths exist, but not all lead to the highest regions of the Divine. The Divine Marga (Path) is beyond Non-Duality. This supreme path ascends beyond the cosmic Deities and beyond the Awareness stage of Enlightened consciousness, soaring past the pinnacle of the most advanced spiritual traditions. The Divine abode of Sat Purush is an ineffable bliss that transcends our local Brahmanda universe and the unfathomable expanse of 700 quadrillion higher ParBrahmanda universes. Over the past decade, thousands of students worldwide have come closer Home on their journey to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Sahaja Self via Full Consciousness Transmissions and Soul Liberation (Moksha) via the Divine Light and Sound Current (Shabd). Divine Marga offers crystal-clear insights into the steps of Enlightenment, Soul Liberation (Moksha) and Divine Cosmology, supporting and guiding you through every aspect of your awakening to the Natural Sahaja Self (Full Consciousness) in the most harmonious and integrated way. Teacher Training Course: * Meditation, Spiritual Life Coaching & Consciousness Transmission Course 🌟 Website: 🌟 Instagram: 🌟 Facebook: 🌟 Online Store: 🌟 New Humanity Foundation: #ConsciousnessTransmission #Enlightenment #LevelsofConsciousness #SoulLiberation #Moksha #DivineAwareness #DivineBliss #DivineLove #DivineMarga ©2024 New Humanity Foundation All Rights Reserved
Your Inner Teacher, Guru, God Within

Your Inner Teacher, Guru, God Within

Weekly LIVE Satsang & Meditation: 🌟 The Inner Teacher, also known as the Inner Guru, resides within each and every one of us. This profound source of wisdom serves as a guiding force, gently leading you towards what is best, right, and most loving in your lives. The key to connecting with your Inner Teacher / Guru is through the cultivation of awareness. Observe and acknowledge whatever arises in your consciousness, allowing it to become a guiding compass on your personal journey of growth and self-discovery. By continuously seeking new ways to expand your understanding, you will be able to determine the most suitable path for your individual growth. Uncover the profound truth that your Inner Teacher is none other than yourself in the highest form, guiding you towards liberation. Divine Marga, founded by Sat Mindo Dev and Lyonne Premananda, is an international organization focusing on God-Realization, Soul Liberation (Moksha), and Divine Living. Many spiritual paths exist, but not all lead to the highest regions of the Divine. The Divine Marga (Path) is beyond Non-Duality. This supreme path ascends beyond the cosmic Deities and beyond the Awareness stage of Enlightened consciousness, soaring past the pinnacle of the most advanced spiritual traditions. The Divine abode of Sat Purush is an ineffable bliss that transcends our local Brahmanda universe and the unfathomable expanse of 700 quadrillion higher ParBrahmanda universes. Over the past decade, thousands of students worldwide have come closer Home on their journey to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Sahaja Self via Full Consciousness Transmissions and Soul Liberation (Moksha) via the Divine Light and Sound Current (Shabd). Divine Marga offers crystal-clear insights into the steps of Enlightenment, Soul Liberation (Moksha) and Divine Cosmology, supporting and guiding you through every aspect of your awakening to the Natural Sahaja Self (Full Consciousness) in the most harmonious and integrated way. Teacher Training Course: * Meditation, Spiritual Life Coaching & Consciousness Transmission Course 🌟 Website: 🌟 Instagram: 🌟 Facebook: 🌟 Online Store: 🌟 New Humanity Foundation: #ConsciousnessTransmission #Enlightenment #LevelsofConsciousness #SoulLiberation #Moksha #DivineAwareness #DivineBliss #DivineLove #DivineMarga ©2024 New Humanity Foundation All Rights Reserved

Experiences of Initiation

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