Higher Self
Level 2. Higher Self
The second initiation of Higher Self is experienced as a connection to one’s inner spiritual wisdom and spirit, also known as Higher Consciousness. At this stage there is an internal space or awareness where one can observe their own thoughts, body and emotions in a neutral and more objective way, from above, so-to-speak. This space creates an opening for the Higher Self to be Present. It can be felt as a higher intuitive sense, higher power, or even an internal voice that guides one through life in a more intuitive and gentle way, often overriding the linear mind and limited sensory consciousness. The feeling of “I am not this body, these thoughts, emotions, I am the Spirit itself” arises with this initiation. Connecting to the Higher Self also begins the activation of the Light Body (Merkaba) and a gradual process of centering into the Spiritual Heart and Inner Love.
Awakening of Inner Wisdom through inner spiritual understanding
Neutral Observation from behind or above of one’s own body, emotions and thoughts creates a space
Higher Self is you who is in a higher dimension: 4D Higher, 5D and above
It is generally called your Spirit or Higher Consciousness or the Higher Spiritual Mind
Being above linear mind and limited sensory consciousness
DNA repair starts with the connection to the Higher Consciousness
Multi-dimensional experiences are common
Possibility of awakening of spiritual psychic abilities
Higher Self remembers your past lives, knows all about this current lifetime and has the key to future events
Recognition of “I am not this body, these thoughts, emotions, I am the Spirit itself”
The mind begins to soften and open a lot more
Activation of the Light Body (Merhabah) happens between Inner Wisdom and Inner Love
Working towards opening the Level of Inner Love and Spiritual Heart
Experiences of Initiation
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