Every little helps
Thank you for your interest in donating to Galactic Academy.
Our mission is to upgrade the Consciousness of Humanity. Our intention is to run our organization in a way that sustains our ability to share these resources widely and to make them accessible to everyone. The money that is received by our organization goes directly to our mission and no one individual profits from donations that we receive.
Your donation will help us to continue our mission of sharing these resources.
We have three fund projects for donations:
We are dedicated to making the resources available to all, and therefore we offer scholarships to those who do not have the finances to afford courses and meetings.
General Funds
​We have a commitment to provide a lot of free content to our community. Hundreds of videos and effective practices along with complete knowledge about the Levels of Ascension are available for everyone. We work daily on accomplishing this. Along with our commitment to sharing the resources widely, we have a commitment to quality. Our staff and many volunteers devote a great deal of time and attention to making sure that everything we do reflects the clarity and heart of these resources. Your donations are an important part of this.
New Humanity Foundation
We are broadly setting up Galactic Academy and New Humanity Centers around the world. Your contribution makes it possible to share the teachings in person everywhere.
Thank you for your interest in supporting New Humanity Foundation. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.
Donation transfer information
New Humanity Foundation would like to thank you for your donation. Your generosity makes a difference.
Bank: Transferwise
Name: New Humanity Foundation
IBAN: BE54 9670 5711 7097
Swift Code - TRWIBEB1XXX
Reference: Donation
Country: Belgium
Address: TransferWise Europe
SA Avenue Louise 54, Room S52 1050
Brussels Belgium
PayPal Details:
New Humanity Foundation is a qualified non-profit organization as defined under the Voluntary Organisations Act 2007 (Act No. XXII of 2007), Malta with Identification Number: VO/1644. Address: Stress Free Center, Triq Santa Marta, Victoria, Gozo, Malta.​