What is Ascension?
Ascension is a journey to move beyond physical reality into light and consciousness, from our own darkness into our own light. It is not a physical process; it is spiritual - to move beyond the veil of illusion of time and space. As we enter the Age of Aquarius, your energy vibration becomes more important than ever. As your karma decreases, your vibration rises, your consciousness rises, and your light shines through.
12 Initiations & Beyond
Inner Light Opening & Higher Consciousness Awakening
Higher Self Opening & Light Body Activation
Spiritual Heart Awakening
Oneness & Unity Consciousness Opening
Presence, Beingness, Galactic Self & Christed Consciousness Opening
Merging with the Soul
Non-Dual Awakening
I AM All Beingness & Awareness Awakening
Surrendering to the Great Unknown
Divine Grace & Divine Love Union
Supra Causal Truth Consciousness Opening
Source, God, Absolute Self & Full Consciousness Awakening
Ascended Masters, Lords of the 7 Rays, Avatars, Buddhas,
Godhood, Planetary Logos & Infitine Levels Beyond
Ascension is a quantum mechanics process governing the movement of consciousness through time and space. Consciousness is energy, as well as, energy is intelligent consciousness. When energy shifts, so does our consciousness. Time and space as we have known it on planet earth is changing, and we are moving into a future timeline. Through gradual exposure to frequency activation of various stellar bodies, the planet is transforming into higher dimensional and frequency planes of existence.
All humans have a unique Blueprint and pace to keep aligned with the planetary frequencies. Some will adapt to these frequencies while embodied on the planet, while others may not. The choice lies with each of us and is directly our responsibility. We can participate or not with our personal evolution process. All that is required from the Ascension process is participation at the level you are able and that attention and focus are placed on one's heart with a desire to know the true self.
As we develop Self Awareness which is the knowledge of the Self, we are developing the right relationship with the Self, and thus we can better develop our relationship with God's Source. We cannot know the highest expression of our nature until we know the deepest inner contents of our own being. Self Awareness is self-mastery and is the pathway to expanding Consciousness.